2024 2A127075 precision aluminium tube pipe has better performance. Generally, the manufacturer will weld
2024 2A127075 precision aluminium tube pipe. Then, when welding, we need to pay attention to some matters. Here we will make a brief summary of it.

1. One-time successful welding is better. Because the point of tool for melt-spin cutting of aluminium tube is too low, the second reheating is necessary,2024 2A127075 precision aluminium tube pipe is easy to deform, so as far as possible one-time welding in place.
2. It is necessary for the electrodes to be uniformly coated with flux so as to ensure the quality of the joints, avoid rough phenomena and ensure the smoothness and texture of the welded parts.
3. Welding torch flame should not be too long, and it is necessary to heat it by micro-fire. Otherwise, the dispersant 2024 2A127075 precision aluminium tube pipe will melt very much.
4. At the end of welding, it is necessary to wait two or three minutes for the special paste for nylon wire to be cooled before the cement storage can be touched, otherwise the solder joint will leak easily.
5. Welding time should not be too long. Because the melting point is too low and the time is too long and simple, the wall of 2024 2A127075 precision aluminium tube pipe melts or thins, and the pressure is very simple and leaks.
6. It is necessary to place wet towels on the inner liner and maintain them in place. Because the welding space is very narrow, we must pay attention to the maintenance of refrigerators.
7. The welding rod can not be heated with the torch and dipped in the welding powder, because the melting point of the welding rod is too low.